2009, Oil and tempera on canvas, 150 x 140 cm
Born in Vienna in 1953
1974-78 Studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna
1999 Commissioned to design the windows of the "Chapelle de la Résurrection" in Brussels, Rue van Maerlant
2008 Commissioned to design the windows of the Gothic chapel of the church of Hausmannstätten near Graz
2010 Studio scholarship of the bka in Shanghai
2011 Prize of the City of Vienna for Visual Arts.
Thomas Reinhold is concerned with the "visualisation of a post-perspective space through non-relational colour systems" as Robert Fleck once described it. When one speaks of space in the picture, one generally thinks of the illusionary space of central perspective as it was developed in the Renaissance. In modernism, this perspective was then fragmented, broken through, extended into real space through collages or assemblages, or transfigured into infinite spatial depths as in the abstract colour field painting of post-war art. Reinhold searches for a different representation of space in the picture.
Against a brightly painted background, he superimposes different, organoid-looking areas of colour in varying degrees of transparency. These layers of colour, which overlap and repeatedly penetrate each other on the one hand, and the materiality of the paint on the other, create an "in-between space" that is perceived as space. Individual colour forms are not modelled or depicted in perspective, but are deliberately kept two-dimensional. "They are simply areas of colour, not bodies of colour."
Reinhold's paintings express the dialectic of two design principles: construction on the one hand and the free gestural or flowing application of paint on the other. A light background colour is applied to the primed canvas, with a few divisions to reflect proportions. The liquid paint is then poured onto the canvas lying on the floor and shifted with the bare hands. Through this method, the paint unfolds an uncontrollable momentum as it progresses. This process is repeated countless times, as the colours are applied very thinly and transparently and the canvas has to be steadied again and again to dry. In tracing the painting process, the viewer experiences an imprint of the temporality that manifests itself in painting. Reinhold's painting is always an exploration of the possibility of representing time with the means of painting.
Text excerpt Roman Grabner
Thomas Reinhold, Stern, 2008, oil and tempera on canvas, 205 x 170 cm |
Markus Wilfling, Mirror Cabinet, 2008, aluminium, 200 x 300 x 300 cm
2009, Oil and tempera on canvas, 70 x 65 cm
EXHIBITIONS EA = Solo Exhibition
2020 "Thomas Reinhold - Maruša Sagadin" (EA), Christine König Gallery, Vienna
2019 "Matrix Image", Gallery Leonhard Graz (EA)
2018 "Art after 1945", Galerie Zetter at the Albertina, "On the Geometry of the Amorphous", Galerie Artemons Contemporary Vienna (EA)
2017 "Poesie des Wenigen", Artmark Gallery Vienna, "Linie Gitter Raum", instant edition Vienna, "Abstrakte Malerei in Österreich - 1950 bis heute", Galerie Kopriva Krems
2016 "Transport und Kommunikation", Sammlung Friedrichshof, Stadtraum (EA), "Liquid:Morph", together with Georgia Creimer, Art Room Würth, Böheimkirchen, "RealFiktional", together with Julie Hayward, Kunstraum Nestroyhof Wien
2015 "Nahe Ferne", Landesmuseum Niederösterreich St. Pölten, Galerie Exner Vienna (EA), "Expressionisms", Museum der Moderne Salzburg
2014 "Pendant", exhibition bridge at the Landhaus St. Pölten (EA)
2012 "Tectonics of Suspension", kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag (EA), "Collection Sigrid and Franz Wojda", MMK Klagenfurt, "From Nature to the Architecture of Painting", Galerie Kunst & Handel Graz (EA)
2011 "Reality and Abstraction", Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Gallery Gölles Fürstenfeld (EA)
2010 "Painting: Process and Expansion", MUMOK Foundation Ludwig Vienna
2009 "Essential", Gallery Michitsch Vienna (EA)
2008 "repro-spektiv:re-produktiv, drawn from the full", Galerie Kunst & Handel Graz (EA)
2007 "Conceptual Photography from Collections", Museum der Moderne Rupertinum Salzburg
2006 "Crossover", Koroska Galerija Slovenj Gradec
2005 "synergie:paradox", together with Julie Hayward, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Stift Admont
2004 "Vision of a Collection", Museum der Moderne Salzburg
1999 "Sense of Reality - Sense of Possibility", Hofstätter Gallery Vienna (EA)
1998 "ART with through over WRITING", International art of the last fifty years from the Kübler Collection, Atterseehalle Attersee, "Contemporary Austrian Painters", The Rotunda, One Exchange Square, Hong Kong
1997 "Malweise", Secession Vienna (EA), "Positions of Austrian Painting Today", Centre Cultural Sala Parpallo Valencia
1995 "Polyptych", Kunsthaus Gallery, Mürzzuschlag (EA)
1994 "Wild and New-Wild Austrian Visual Art from the Collection of the Rupertinum in Salzburg
1993 "Confrontations", new acquisitions, MUMOK Foundation Ludwig Vienna
1992 "Surface radicale", Grand Palais Paris, Convention Center Los Angeles, University of Applied Arts Vienna
1991 "Art, Europe 1991", Kunstverein in Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, Gallery Rähnitzgasse Dresden
1990 "Across", Dom umenia, Bratislava
1988 Galleria Valente, Finale Ligure (EA), Gallery Menotti, Baden (EA), "MALERMACHT, Expression und Pathos in der neuen Österreichischen Malerei", Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis Bregenz
1987 Springer Gallery, Berlin (EA), "Stand and Object, Sculptures", Secession Vienna (EA)
1985 "Austria ferix", Palazzo Costanzi, Galleria Torbandena Trieste, Gallery Goethe Bolzano
1984 Gallery Heike Curtze, Vienna and Düsseldorf (EA), "artisti austriaci, due generazioni", studio cavalieri Bologna, "6th International Small Sculpture Exhibition", Kunsthalle Budapest
1983 Ariadne Gallery Vienna (EA), "New Painting in Austria", Jurka Gallery Amsterdam, "Joves Salvatges Austriacs", Dau al Set Gallery Barcelona, "New Painting in Austria '83", Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, "Eros, Mythos, Ironie", biennale trigon, Neue Galerie Graz
1981 "New Painting in Austria", Neue Galerie Graz, "5th International Biennial", Secession Vienna
1980 Forum Stadtpark Graz (EA), "Künstlerfotografie in Österreich 1954 bis 1980", art fairs Basel and New York, galleries nächst St. Stephan Vienna and Krinzinger Innsbruck, "Das Sofortbild, Entdeckung eines Mediums", Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, "XV. Internationale Malerwochen", Künstlerhaus Graz
Works in collections:
Albertina Vienna
Austrian Gallery Belvedere
Carl Djerassi Collection Vienna
FOTOGRAFIS Collection Vienna, currently on permanent loan to the Museum der Moderne Salzburg
Hainz Collection Vienna
SpallArt Collection Salzburg
Wojda Collection Vienna
MUMOK Ludwig Foundation Vienna
Landesmuseum Lower Austria Krems
Lentos Art Museum Linz
Museum Angerlehner Thalheim near Wels
Museum of Contemporary Art Admont Abbey, Styria
MMKK Klagenfurt
Museum Liaunig Neuhaus
Museum of Modern Art Salzburg
Museum Sztuki Lódź
Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum Innsbruck