2017, ink pen and coloured pencils on paper, 15 x 21 cm
1962 Born in Leibnitz
1980- Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
1987 Diploma
1994 Krakaustipendium of the Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts
1998 Budapest Scholarship of the Budapest Gallery
1998 Georg Eisler Prize
1999 Bauholding Prize
2003 Krumaust Scholarship of the Federal Chancellery for the Arts
2005 State Scholarship of the Federal Chancellery for the Arts
2008 Rome Scholarship of the Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts
At the beginning of the 21st century, artists rarely use coloured pencils. More often, one works, traditionally, with oil or acrylic, or with film and video. Not so the artist Norbert Trummer: the crayon is one of his most important tools; he prefers the rather ordinary products of the company that prefers to equip primary school and kindergarten children for their first artistic steps.
Trummer likes crayons above all because of their practicality - after all, he often works outdoors, or at least in different places. His preferred workplace is not the studio - at least not at present - but streets or museums.
Trummer used to paint portraits: pictures of people in his circle of acquaintances he put serially on large wooden tableaux, some of which protruded into the room. From these he developed - because it occurred to him that he could also set his portrait series in motion - short, compact animated films. And when he spent some time in Budapest about ten years ago, he began to depict his surroundings with brisk strokes of ink and coloured pencil. On one page of his notebook there were eight small pictures, each of which he drew from the same position - it looks as if someone had zoomed back and forth between different distances and angles of view. Involuntarily, you start looking for a story - which you have to invent yourself. The work "Dob utca. Budapest" also marks the beginning of Trummer's constant collaboration with writers - the poet Bodo Hell provided the text for the series of drawings. Later, Trummer published the two books "Austrian Psycho oder der Rabiat Hödlmoser" and "Zirkusblut oder ein Austrian-Psycho-Trashkrimi, zweiter Teil" together with Franzobel - for the latter, the two accompanied a circus for several weeks. The artist, who was born in Leibnitz in 1962, appreciates the cooperation with writers: "It is interesting to see how things work out again independently of each other in the end, how they complement each other well in terms of mood," he notes.
Nina Schedlmayer
Salzburg all around, 2016, egg tempera on wood panel, 105 x 30 cm
+ film
2017, ink pen and coloured pencils on paper 15 x 21 cm (detail)
1999 artLab Gallery Ernst Hilger, Vienna (catalogue)
2000 ars mobilis, Vienna
2001 Gallery Eboran, Salzburg (folder)
2002 Art Pavilion, Innsbruck
2003 Krumlov Summer, Neue Galerie Studio, Graz (book/DVD)
2006 Stuffed animals move, Museum Stift Admont (book/DVD)
2006 Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys, Kulturverein Schloss Goldegg (folder)
2007 Films on spruce wood, Gallery Altnöder, Salzburg
2008 Video Lounge, Hypo Upper Austria, Linz
2009 Wolf Collection, Gleisdorf
2010 Ybbs, Asifakeil, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
2010 Kubin's Checkered Jacket, Kubin House, Zwickledt
2011 Change of Location, Minoriten Gallery, Graz
2011 3 Projects, kunstraum pro arte, Hallein
2016/17 SALZBURG RUNDUM, Salzburg Museum - Panorama Museum
2017 Not far from here, Norbert Trummer | Markus Wilfling, Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld
2018 Seckau, Kultum Graz
2020 Radstadt above and below, Das Zentrum, Radstadt
1997 Martin Kaltner, Norbert Trummer, Franz Xaver, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna
2000 Creation Times, Landesgalerie Upper Austria, Linz (catalogue)
2000 artLab in the Traklhaus, Gallery in the Traklhaus, Salzburg (catalogue)
2000 extended, La Station, Nice (catalogue)
2001 Colour Lust and Form Thoughts, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna (catalogue)
2001 CENTRAL - New Art from Central Europe, MuseumsQuartier,
Vienna and Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (catalogue)
2002 Judith Huemer, Stephen Mathewson, Norbert Trummer, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz and Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (catalogue)
2002 Otto di segno, Galleria d`Arte Moderna, Villa delle Rose, Bologna and Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (catalogue)
2004 Auf der Alm..., Landesmuseum Joanneum, Trautenfels Castle (catalogue)
2004 Julie Hayward, Norbert Trummer, Gallery Esplanade, Bad Ischl
2004 Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Visual Art, Neue Galerie, Graz
2005 Full Tube, Gallery of the City of Wels
2006 ORTung 05, Gallery 5020, Salzburg (catalogue)
2006 Ball Artists, Museum of Fine Arts, Leipzig (catalogue)
2008 Focus Library. Focus Library, Museum of Contemporary Art, Admont Abbey
2008 Cross Borders, MASC Foundation, Vienna
2008 unSICHTBAR - resistant in the salzkammergut, Deutschvilla
2008 Slow Motion, together with Heidrun Widmoser Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld
2008 Another Tomorrow: Young video art from the collection of the Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Slought Foundation, Philadelphia (DVD)
2008 Yahoos -Garden, Water Biennale, Fürstenfeld (catalogue)
2008 Repertory, Gallery Eugen Lendl, Graz
2008 Silent Night in Hallein, kunstraum pro arte, Hallein (catalogue)
2009 Salzburg, From the Collection of the Province of Salzburg, Views from Five Decades (1957-2007), Salzburg Museum, Salzburg (catalogue)
2009 Rewind/Fast Forward, The Video Collection, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz (catalogue)
2009 Spotlight, New acquisitions since 2006, Museum der Moderne, Mönchsberg, Salzburg, (CD-Rom)
2009 Exit- Housecooling Party, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz (folder)
2009 Repertorium II, Gallery Eugen Lendl, Graz
2010 News from 4 Studios, Gallery Altnöder Salzburg
2011 RINGTURM.KUNST Collection Vienna Insurance Group, Leopold Museum, Vienna
2012 Beyond Seeing. Art connects blind and sighted people, Admont Abbey
2012 Between Remembering and Forgetting - Finiteness & Eternity, Admont Monastery
2012 medien.kunst.sammeln - Perspectives of a Collection, Kunsthaus Graz
2013 Beyond seeing - Winzavod, Moscow Contemporary Art Center, Moscow
2013 Vienna Calling, 2nd Biennial of Painting, HDLU - Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb
2014 6 KO_OP Salon 69, Basement, Vienna
2015 reliqte, reloaded: On the heritage of Christian imagery today, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz
2015 Fronteras En Cuestion II, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Havana
2016 Norbert Trummer/Bodo Hell, no molehill, topographical Semmering images, kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag.
1999 Bodo Hell, Norbert Trummer, Budapest Dob utca, Haymon
2001 Franzobel, Norbert Trummer, Austrian Psycho oder der Rabiat Hödelmoser, Library of the Province
2003 Krumlov Summer. A film by Norbert Trummer, Bibliothek der Provinz
2004 Franzobel, Norbert Trummer, Circus Blood, an Austrian Psycho trash thriller, Bibliothek der Provinz
2006 Stuffed Animals Move. A film by Norbert Tummer, Bibliothek der Provinz
2008 Bodo Hell, Norbert Trummer, Admont Abscondita
2009 Romalido. A film by Norbert Trummer, Library of the Province
2010 Kubin's Checkered Jacket. A film by Norbert Trummer, Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra, book with DVD
2010 New Gallery Graz. A film by Norbert Trummer, Library of the Province.
2011 Change of Location. A film by Norbert Trummer, Bibliothek der Provinz.
2014 Bodo Hell, Norbert Trummer, Matri Mitram. Library of the Province
2016 Norbert Trummer, Bodo Hell, kein Maulwurfshügel, topographische SemmeringBilder. Library of the Province
2016 Salzburg all around, 36 drawings and a film. Series of the Salzburg Museum